Turkish MP: Ankara Supplied Terrorists in Syria with Sarin Gas

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‘A senior Turkish lawmaker disclosed that Ankara has supplied the foreign-backed militants in Syria with the deadly poisonous Sarin gas.

“The terrorist groups in Syria have received Sarin gas from Ankara,” member of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) Barish Arkadash said on Tuesday.

He pointed to the investigations by the UN in Syria proving that ISIL has Sarin Gas, and said, “We will also prove soon that the ISIL has received the (poisonous) gas from Turkey and we will also prove that some sections of the Turkish government and maybe some special private companies have been involved in this big crime.”‘

Read more: Turkish MP: Ankara Supplied Terrorists in Syria with Sarin Gas

The post Turkish MP: Ankara Supplied Terrorists in Syria with Sarin Gas appeared first on David Icke.

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