Turkish PM Davutoglu tries to distance ISIS and Turkey, ends up saying they’re actually exactly the same

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‘In what can only be described as a comical yet tragic error Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu made a major mistake when describing the difference between Daesh’s Islamic theology and that of Turkey earlier this week.

In an interview on Wednesday night with Turkish channel Show TV, the Turkish official attempted to distance Turkey from the group allegedly responsible for last week’s Ankara bombings, but instead accidentally suggested Daesh and Turkey hold the same religious views, saying:

“There is a 360-degree, not 180-degree, difference between the Islam we defend and what Daesh has on its mind.”

The gaffe comes after widespread criticism of alleged mishandling of intelligence by the Turkish government, which may have prevented the bombings at a peace rally which claimed 99 lives.’

Read more: Turkish PM Davutoglu tries to distance ISIS and Turkey, ends up saying they’re actually exactly the same

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