US and Turkey angered by Assad’s ‘red carpet’ visit to Moscow

‘The White House criticized the way the Syrian leader was received, saying it resembled a “red carpet welcome.” In that same statement, the US also accused Assad of using chemical weapons against his own people and questioned Russia’s interests in a political transition of power in Syria.

“We view the red carpet welcome for Assad, who has used chemical weapons against his own people, at odds with the stated goal by the Russians for a political transition in Syria,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz said.

Assad has stressed on multiple occasions in the past that Western claims that his government had used chemical weapons against the Syrian population are “an insult to common sense” and “nonsense.”’

Read more: US and Turkey angered by Assad’s ‘red carpet’ visit to Moscow


ISIS Terrorist Group in Syria Received Sarin Gas from Ankara: Turkish MP

‘The Republican People’s Party (CHP) Barish Arkadash has revealed that Turkey has provided ISIL terrorists in Syria with the deadly poisonous Sarin gas.

He pointed to the investigations by the UN in Syria proving that ISIL has Sarin Gas, and said, “We will also prove soon that the ISIL has received the (poisonous) gas from Turkey and we will also prove that some sections of the Turkish government and maybe some special private companies have been involved in this big crime.”

Arkadash also called on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to resign from his post as soon as it is proven that Ankara has supplied the terrorists in Syria with deadly Sarin gas.’

Read more …

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