What Your Fingernails Are Telling You

Our NAILS reveal much about our internal health. Abnormalities on either the fingers or the toes can indicate an underlying disorder.

For instance, nail fungus is indicative of a SYSTEMIC PROBLEM which allows fungus to thrive. Chances are that if you have it on the outside, you also have it on the inside.

HEALTHY NAILS are strong, flat and smooth and have pink nail beds. Any variation such as discolorations, ridges, curving or splitting reveals an underlying health problem.on the nails are generally zinc deficiency. However, they can also be a chronic adrenal problem.

from coming back. It also will help establish better digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

If your nails are WEAK and BRITTLE, consider some of the deficiencies above, but also consider taking digestive enzymes with hydrochloric acid which aids in assimilation of minerals.

Most NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS for nails include various B vitamins along with one or more forms of silica. Silica is the main building block of nails and is found throughout the plant kingdom, but is concentrated in herbs such as horsetail.

Also, be sure you are getting plenty of ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS in the form of borage seed oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil or evening primrose oil.

Healthy nails come from the INSIDE OUT.

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