A Better Vision for Humanity


‘Humanity now has the resources, the means, and the collective will, for every human being on this planet to live in material security… no-one no longer need struggle to survive. That so many do struggle to survive, whilst so few live in material excess, is insane, and can no longer be accepted.

Such a situation does not reflect our true humanity. From the richest to the poorest, there is no-one who wants others to experience poverty, who wants them to suffer in war-zones, who wants them to endure environmental destruction, who wants others to die from curable diseases.

Certainly, there are those who are willing to benefit from such suffering – the large multi-national corporations, the military-industrial complex, the pharmaceutical industry, and, sadly, our governments, but such behaviour is rooted in ignorance and delusion, blinded by consciences that have been quarantined.’

Read more: A Better Vision for Humanity

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