A King of Men Downed by Barney Fifes

(This essay is biased–as we all should be–toward the family man, the working man–a real man—as opposed to the State and its minions.)

A king of men was killed by boys in blue, or rather by deputy sheriffs, Barney Fife’s types. But these Barney Fifes, while just as insecure as he of Mayberry, are on steroids and their AR’s have banana clips full of bullets, verses one in the pocket. And they unloaded these magazines into the torso of a king.

On that murderous evening the venerable Idahoan rancher and logger Jack Yantis, age 62, was having dinner with family and a friend when he received a call from the sheriff dispatcher informing him his prized 2,500-pound black Gelbvieh bull had been hit by a Subaru station wagon outside his ranch gate. The bull’s rear leg was shattered by the collision. When Jack arrived at the scene the deputy sheriffs had already been taking pot shots at the bull from a safe distance away with no effect other than to enrage it. Jack probably displayed both sorrow for his bull and disgust with the hapless deputies. A enraged, hurt bull is a dangerous, unpredictable animal, but Jack went up close to the bull and with courage and skill pointed the rifle at the sweet spot of the head for the coup de grâce. Jack was about to pull the trigger when a deputy grabbed him from behind and spun him around. The deputy then pushed Jack Yantis, who began falling and tried to regain his footing. One deputy began shooting at Jack and then the other. They had AR-15’s among there arsenal. Jack’s wife, Donna, and a nephew were also at the scene and screamed at the deputies to stop.

Like all true kings Jack had an attitude, an attitude based on his character. It wasn’t the false attitude of street thug bullies, be these bullies gang members or arrogant cops. Jack’s attitude was based on deep humility and true courage. It has been brought up by the newspapers that Jack had gotten popped twice for DUI. Jack worked hard, harder than cops and bureaucrats, and he could handle a drink or two and still drive. (In saner times it used to be legal to drink a beer while driving in neighboring Montana.) It has also been brought up that Jack once was charged with obstructing a cop in his duties, that is, Jack always had an attitude. Indeed Jack’s type of attitude is something most often lost at a young age (similar to the castration of young bulls). The satanic-state and all in league with it would rather have had Jack be a castrated metro-sexual on antidepressants than a real testosterone-fueled cowboy, lumberjack, and man. Jack’s attitude was that of deep character, was that of a real man, indeed that of a king among men. Jack’s attitude was the polar opposite of the superficial attitude of the punk, be that punk a kid with his pant’s falling off or a cop with his gun going off.

Jack had the manly and kingly attitude that comes from the deep recesses of a free man’s heart. Such an attitude is that of the magnanimous man. Magnanimity is based on humility. Only a humble man very in touch with reality both outside himself and about himself could fell trees the way Jack Yantis did. Jack at the time of his murder was in the fullness of his manhood and was taking full responsibility for that under his domain, be that his family, or land, or livestock. He was not a teat-sucking citizen or employee of the nanny state. Jack’s attitude was the polar opposite of the spoiled ghetto thug on crack, or the wannabe skinhead on meth, or the video-addled wimp on psychotropics; or indeed the combination of all these punks which is the composite and so politically correct profile of America’s police force and governmental management. Yes, punk’s lives matter, but lives of men like Jack matter more! No, they don’t matter more intrinsically; however they absolutely matter more to family and community and thus society, than do those of selfish, superficial, and cowardly punks.

When punk minions of the State kill men like Jack Yantis they are filled with nothing less than a demonic audacity. In killing men like Jack they are striking at the heart of the West, both the Cowboy West and what is left of Western Civilization. But Jack has brothers and sons that span across Adams County, across Idaho, across the Redoubt, across America, and indeed across the WORLD. It is time for these brothers and sons to rise up. Indeed it is the very last chance before the total bondage of the satanic-state descends in a suffocating totalitarianism. (Also see William Norman Grigg’s Justice for a Murdered Rancher.)

The post A King of Men Downed by Barney Fifes appeared first on LewRockwell.

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