Anger, Resentment, and the Remains of the Middle Class

The American Power Elite may yet discover that throw the bums out applies to all existing Establishment parties and Elites.

As I have often noted, historian Michael Grant identified profound political disunity in the ruling class as a key cause of the dissolution of the Roman Empire. Grant described this dynamic in his excellent account The Fall of the Roman Empire, a book I have been recommending since 2009.

The chapter titles of the book provide a precis of the other causes Grant identifies:

The Gulfs Between the Classes

The Credibility Gap

(Mark G.:) I think the most important finding from the present political cycle is the evidence of rapidly rising factionalism and infighting among our 0.01%’ers. Their ships are not “all sailing in the same direction,” as Don Lucchesi said in Godfather III. Their goals are becoming very divergent indeed to the point of directly opposing each other.

Contrary to received MSM wisdom, this warfare appears to be most pronounced at present inside the Democratic Party. Bernie Sanders is clearly the AFL-CIO’s man in a sense, along with the aged New Left. And he’s drawing crowds to match. Like Bill, Hillary is the creature of Wall Street, NYC-based Mainstream Media, Hollywood and the Government Educational complex. The Tech Oligarchs really don’t have a candidate of their own in the field this cycle.

Meanwhile the “GOP Establishment” is increasingly at open war with its own electoral base. So is the Democratic Party under the aegis of the digital ‘Tech Oligarchs.’ The older ‘Mainframe’ Democratic elites were far more attentive to middle class interests in their political coalition. The Tech Oligarchs are displaying a streak of Libertarian “My Way Or The Highway” rawness where it comes to political issues and the interests of nominal coalition partners.

I think The Donald could easily be found possessing support from some surprising quarters when the time comes.

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