As BBC begs for ‘Children in Need’ money, questions still remain over fraud


‘The BBC has mastered the art of producing guilt-laden telethons. Each year corporate fat-cats and tax-avoiding celebrities are wheeled out alongside carefully crafted VT clips designed to trigger emotion from a docile public, to ask for their donations to a charity that claims to help children. But where does the money actually go?

As you wade through the endless queue of celebrities who’ve waved their appearance fee in exchange for promoting their latest movie, album or tour on UK prime time television, over the last few years a small number of investigative journalists have begun to see through the glossy charade and ask some serious questions about the dubious charity.

An investigation in 2014 discovered that the BBC had kept almost £90 million of money destined to help poverty stricken children in and investment portfolio.’

Read more: As BBC begs for ‘Children in Need’ money, questions still remain over fraud

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