As Obama Longs For ‘Paris Nights’, Russia Moves Missile Cruiser off Syrian Coast, Warns Turkey ‘There Are Consequences’

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‘Yesterday’s international air incident which took place along the Syrian-Turkish border, is potentially the most dangerous geopolitical events to take place in living memory – an incident that is already quickly threatening to kill a number of peace treaties, as well as intensify an international situation that’s already beyond repair.

You’d expect a US leader to bring his A game. Instead, President Barack Obama did something astonishing at yesterday’s White House press conference with French leader Francois Hollande.

Rather than bother to appear as an honest broker and mediate the international incident (NATO’s last shoot-down of a Russian aircraft was in 1951), the he instead blamed Russia for Turkey shooting its fighter down and for its pilots being killed or captured by US/NATO/Turkey-backed militant Islamist insurgents camped along Syria’s northwest border with Turkey.’

Read more: As Obama Longs For ‘Paris Nights’, Russia Moves Missile Cruiser off Syrian Coast, Warns Turkey ‘There Are Consequences’

The post As Obama Longs For ‘Paris Nights’, Russia Moves Missile Cruiser off Syrian Coast, Warns Turkey ‘There Are Consequences’ appeared first on David Icke.

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