At G-20 in Turkey, Obama Correctly Repeats: No US Ground Forces Needed to Fight ISIS; No Safe Haven for Terrorists, No to No-Fly Zone; Clear Rebuff to Erdogan Emphasized by US Destruction of 120 Tanker Trucks Taking Part in Oil Smuggling Directed by Erdogan’s Son; French Jets Hit Terrorist Capital of Raqqa; French President Hollande Calls on US and Russia to Cooperate Against ISIS; Closing Jarablus-Aleppo Corridor Remains Job One for All

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Tuesday, November 17, 2015

At the close of the G-20 summit held in Turkey, President Obama correctly restated his current policy, despite the demands delivered by Turkish President Erdogan in a one on one meeting of the two leaders. Obama stated that there […]

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