Belgium Censors Free Speech With Kitten Photos During Terror Raid


‘After Belgian police asked residents to censor themselves on social media during a terrorist raid, the compliant public saturated Twitter with kitten photos to drown out news on the #BrusselsLockdown.

The police told local Twitter users to refrain from posting live updates on the search for Paris terror suspect Salah Abdeslam to “keep the police and military safe.”

“To prevent terrorists from following police activity, Belgian police asked residents not to share details of the #BrusselsLockdown via social media, and civilians took over the hashtag and flooded it with pictures of their feline friends,” Twitter said in a statement.’

Read more: Belgium Censors Free Speech With Kitten Photos During Terror Raid

The post Belgium Censors Free Speech With Kitten Photos During Terror Raid appeared first on David Icke.

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