BigPharma’s Hormone Scam

(Note:  I wrote this blog with my friend, Dr. Lindsey Berkson)

We can’t live without hormones. Hormones have much more to do with the body than just controlling reproductive actions.  In fact, hormones control every bodily function, which includes the neurological, cardiovascular systems as well as the kidneys and even our vocal chords. In order to achieve optimal health, we need our hormones properly balanced on all levels.  When hormonal pathways are disrupted, disease and disorder sets in.

In our toxic world, hormonal pathways are often disrupted by synthetic hormones, which are found in our food, medicines, and the environment.  Over the last 20 years, many scientific articles have proven the effectiveness and safety of bioidentical, natural, hormones.  Bioidential, natural hormones refer to substances derived from plant products that are exact copies of our own hormones in structure and function.  During that same time period, many physicians began prescribing bioidentical, natural hormones in order to help maintain optimal function of the endocrine system in their patients.No matter how many conventional medical associations warn against bio-identical or natural hormone replacement, a new survey from American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) (2015 Annual Meeting: Abstract O-8. October 19, 2015) clearly shows that doctors prefer bioidentical, natural hormones over synthetic hormones. Today, almost 60% of clinicians write scripts for them.  Why wouldn’t any physician use a natural hormone  as it is safer and more effective than a synthetic hormone?

This increased awareness and prescribing trend of physicians to use natural, bioidentical hormones has not gone unnoticed by Big Pharma. In fact, Big Pharma wants to profit from this paradigm shift.

A new Big Pharma company, TherapeuticsMD, has been formed which contains members from the old Big Pharma Company (Wyeth) that manufactured synthetic hormones.  TherapeuticsMD is manufacturing a bioidentical, natural hormone called Replenish®. (3) It contains bioidentical forms of  estrogen and progesterone. Interestingly, according to the  company’s abstract, they actually claim that natural hormones are proven to be safe and protective.  Keep in mind that for many years Big Pharma was busy trying to prove that bioidentical hormones were ineffective and dangerous.

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The post BigPharma’s Hormone Scam appeared first on LewRockwell.

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