Bitcoin Surges 55% In Month – Chinese Moving Capital Into Bitcoin and Gold

Bitcoin has been surging in value since mid October and surged more than 20% yesterday alone. At one point, it hit a yearly high of more than $491 (see chart).



In August, bitcoin fell to a low for 2015 near $200 amid turmoil in the Chinese and global stock markets.

But bitcoin transaction volume has been growing. data shows that unique bitcoin wallet addresses—which are how users manage and trade bitcoin—are at an all-time. Some have multiple bitcoin addresses, but such a spike suggests there are new users as well.

It’s not entirely clear what’s driven the most recent price gains. There is an assertion in an article on the front page of the FT today ( Bitcoin surges as Chinese flock to Russian fraudster’s site ) that the gains are due to Chinese people flocking to bitcoin in a giant pyramid scheme run on a Russian fraudsters website:

The price of the cryptocurrency bitcoin surged on Wednesday to its highest in more than a year amid a wave of Chinese testimonials for a “social financial network” called MMM, which bears the hallmarks of a pyramid scheme.

New members of MMM have to buy bitcoins to join the scheme, which is the brainchild of Sergey Mavrodi, a former Russian parliamentarian since jailed for fraud.

Although the article is unbalanced and simplistic. The truth regarding the root cause of the price movement of any market is of course much more complex – and there are many supply and demand issues to be considered.

GoldCore:  Bitcoin price chart

Source: CoinDesk

Most bitcoin experts once again see Chinese demand as key. As China has been devaluing its currency, the yuan, throughout the year and the Chinese are aware of the growing risks posed to the yuan and indeed the dollar and other fiat currencies.

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Today’s Gold Prices: USD 1107.30, EUR  1024.40 and GBP 724.75 per ounce.
Yesterday’s Gold Prices: USD 1118.00, EUR  1024.09 and GBP 724.99 per ounce.

GoldCore: Silver in USD - 1 Year


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