Bust the Anglo-Saudi Axis of Terror — Before It Kills Again

LaRouchePAC activists rallied at the United Nations in New York with this message yesterday, and received a powerful, “raw” response to their organizing, from diplomats, New Yorkers and foreign visitors alike. Their mobilization: Release the classified 28 Pages, expose the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. Stop “Londonistan,” the recruiting base of terrorists, and Riyadh, their funder and Wahhabite “educator,” before they can strike again.

The evidence was coming out internationally on Monday, as “everything was changing” as a result of Russian President Putin’s resolute Syria action, and now the shock of the new Paris murders. Putin announced he personally briefed G20 leaders in Ankara with Russia’s intelligence on terrorist funders “in the G20 countries”; India’s Prime Minister Modi called there for striking at terrorism where it is financed; denunciations of the Saudis’ leading role came from British Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, from the Italian Catholic bishops’ publication Famiglia Cristiana, from American journalists opposing the Bush-Obama perpetual wars.

Obama, who thought ISIS was “contained,” was under intense pressure at Antalya, Turkey to concede to a war on jihadi terrorism led by Putin and shocked European leaders. French President Hollande told the French Parliament session, “We must eliminate, not contain, Daesh [isis].”

Release the 28 Pages now! This part of the 2002 report of the “Report of the Joint Inquiry into the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001” which lays out the Saudi responsibility for the 9/11 attacks according to then Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Bob Graham, has been hidden by George W. Bush and Barack Obama for 13 years. Its public release alone will change U.S. policy, according to members of Congress who have viewed it.

Mobilize to release this evidence now, showing that Obama’s and Cameron’s “regime-change” wars are in open alliance with the terrorists.

On Jan. 7, 2015, just hours after terrorists staged an assault on the Paris offices of the satirical publication Charlie Hebdo and killed a dozen people, former U.S. Senator Bob Graham (D-Fla.) joined House of Representatives Members Walter Jones (R-N.C.), Steven Lynch (D-Mass.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), and representatives of the 9/11 families in a Capitol Hill press conference, convened to demand the immediate release of the 28 page chapter from the original 2002 Joint Congressional Inquiry  on 9/11, which detailed the role of the Saudi Royal Family in financing the 19 hijackers.

Senator Graham’s words are even more profound and urgent today, in the wake of the Nov. 13 Paris massacres by Islamic State-allied butchers. Graham told the standing-room only crowd:

“The Saudis know what they did. They are not persons who are unaware of the consequences of their government’s actions. Second, the Saudis know that we know what they did! Somebody in the Federal government has read these 28 pages, someone in the Federal government has read all the other documents that have been covered up so far. And the Saudis know that.

“What would you think the Saudis’ position would be, if they knew what they had done, they knew that the United States knew what they had done, and they also observed that the United States had taken a position of either passivity, or actual hostility to letting those facts be known? What would the Saudi government do in that circumstance, which is precisely where they have been, for more than a decade?…

“Al-Qaeda was a creature of Saudi Arabia; the regional groups such as al-Shabaab have been largely creatures of Saudi Arabia; and now, ISIS is the latest creature!…

“So the consequences of our passivity to Saudi Arabia, have been that we have tolerated this succession of institutions, violent, extreme, extremely hurtful to the region of the Middle East, and a threat to the world, as we saw this morning in Paris.”

Sen. Graham was absolutely right on Jan. 7.  His words now take on even greater significance, as the entire world is still in shock over the Friday events in Paris, and the prospect that it can happen again.

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