Cameron Goes To Paris To Run Its War Policy

British Prime Minister David Cameron was in Paris, yesterday morning, one day before French President Francois Hollande goes to Washington to meet with President Obama. Cameron offered the French the use of the RAF Akrotiri airbase in Cyprus. He said that it is his “firm conviction” that Britain must participate in air strikes in Syria, and that he would set out Britain’s “comprehensive strategy for tackling [isis]” later this week.

In an op-ed published by the Telegraph, Sunday night, Cameron wrote that he would be presenting his case for British military intervention in Syria to the House of Commons on Nov. 26 in the form of a reply to the Foreign Affairs Committee. That Committee concluded in a report released on Nov. 2 that a British military intervention in Syria without a strategy for defeating ISIS and settling the Syrian conflict would have a marginal effect at best and would be “incoherent” at worst.

In his reply, Cameron said that he will be

“making the case for Britain to join our international allies in going after Isis at their headquarters in Syria, not just Iraq. We cannot leave the burden and risks of protecting our country to others. Such action would be one key element of a comprehensive, long-term strategy to defeat Isis, in parallel with a major international effort to bring an end to the war in Syria.”

While most observers seem to be expecting a vote on Cameron’s war to take place in the first week of December, Defense Secretary Michael Fallon poured cold water on this expectation during a press conference, yesterday morning. He said the speed with which Cameron put the issue to a vote would depend on MPs, but indicated it was unlikely to be as early as next week, reported the Guardian. “A lot of new MPs understandably want to be sure there is a political track to this as well that we are working with everyone in the region to create a more comprehensive moderate government in the region to bring long-term security after the striking has finished,” he said.

Whatever the British decide to do, they should do it in cooperation with Russia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Russian television, Sunday, “so that the steps are not directed at destroying the statehood of Syria.” Zakharova cited remarks by the Syrian ambassador in Moscow, in which he indicated that countries that coordinate their military actions with Russia are regarded by Syria as coordinating their actions with Syria.

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