Canada’s New Foreign Minister: Era of Special Relationship with Israel Is Over


‘Following Stéphane Dion’s first meeting of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s new government, Canada’s new foreign minister announced that significant changes would be made in Canada’s approach to the Middle East.

Foreign Minister Dion assumed office on Wednesday. He’s wasted no time, though, in making it clear that diplomacy under his watch would take a new direction.

Dion stressed that Canada will change its approach and will be an “honest broker” in the Middle East as it focuses on improving its relations with all “legitimate partners.”

“Israel is a friend, it is an ally but for us to be an effective ally we need also to strengthen our relationship with the other legitimate partners in the region,” Dion said.’

Read more: Canada’s New Foreign Minister: Era of Special Relationship with Israel Is Over

The post Canada’s New Foreign Minister: Era of Special Relationship with Israel Is Over appeared first on David Icke.

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