Claim: Russia ‘Accidentally’ Aired ‘Secret Nuclear Weapon Plans’ On National TV (Oops)


‘It is all over the media, courtesy of the Associated Press, that Russia “accidentally” aired “secret plans” for a new nuclear weapon on two Russian national TV channels. NTV and Channel One, two channels under tight State control in Russia, reportedly aired footage curiously shot over a general’s shoulder as he was meeting with Putin (reportedly one of four meetings Putin has held on defense just this week).

One large document contained drawings of a new submarine-launched nuclear torpedo Russia is calling Status-6. The system includes nuclear subs that carry huge, self-propelled underwater long-range torpedo-shaped drones that can, according to the documents, travel 5,400 miles and create extensive, uninhabitable ” zones of radioactive contamination”.’

Read more: Claim: Russia ‘Accidentally’ Aired ‘Secret Nuclear Weapon Plans’ On National TV (Oops)

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