COP21 ‘Bulldozer’ Can’t Silence France’s Climate Skeptic Weatherman

A frantic French President François Hollande has stepped up his international lobbying aimed at securing a binding international climate change agreement out of the COP21 international conference which opens in Paris at the end of this month. Today, he lobbied Xi Jinping in Beijing; on November 10, it will be African heads of state in Malta; on Nov. 15 at the G20 summit in Turkey; then island nation heads of state; and, finally, on Nov. 27, he joins the Queen of England, her consort Prince Philip, and their nutcase son Prince Charles, in marshaling the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM-2015) summit in Malta, behind the climate change hoax to reduce the world’s population by six billions or more.

But as he set off on his foreign lobbying, his government’s firing of the most popular TV meteorologist in France because he bucked the COP21 climate change lies, became a cause célèbre back home. Philippe Verdier was suspended mid-month as chief meteorologist for the state-run France Télévisions, after he published a book, Climat Investigation, which rips apart the climate scare campaign, and accuses state-funded climate change scientists of being “manipulated” and “politicized.”

Verdier told RTL radio in October that he had put himself “in the path of COP21, which is a bulldozer, and this is the result.” He told another French journalist that he wrote the book, after being “horrified” when Hollande’s Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called a meeting of TV meteorologists to tell them to highlight climate change issues in their broadcasts.

Verdier escalated this past weekend, posting a brief online video, reporting that he had been banned from being on air since he published his book, Climat Investigation, and then silently opening, “in front of you, in the name of freedom of expression and information for us all,” the envelope containing the official notification that he had been “fired by France Télévisions one month before COP 21.”

A petition launched in defense of Verdier by France’s vigorous “climate skeptics” minority, already had 15,000 signatures by Nov. 1, including signatures of 10 parliamentarians, RTL radio reported. France’s scientific resistance to the great lie, including scientists working with the Schiller Institute against this genocidal hoax, call themselves the “climate optimists.” They are mobilizing, and they are getting some media coverage.

An inquiry carried out in the wake of Verdier’s suspension by the investigative website, Arretsurimages, discovered that at least half of France’s meteorologists agree with Verdier and the “optimist” scientists.

Climate “optimists” in the United States are seeing what they can mobilize to gum up the works for President Obama’s intention to use the Paris COP21 conference to finish off the U.S. economy. The November issue of the Heartland Institute’s Environment & Climate News newsletter cites proposals by attorney Chris Horner from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, that U.S. Senate pass a Sense of Senate resolution before the Paris conference, stating that any agreement negotiated in Paris must be ratified by the Senate to take effect. “The all-important point is to ensure there is no reasonable claim that `the world’ could reasonably have believed the [obama] Administration was binding the U.S. to anything in Paris.” The resolution could be done with a vote by a simple majority.

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