Corbyn Does Not Kowtow Before the Queen

British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, a confirmed republican, attended his first session of the Queen’s Privy Council and did not kneel before the Queen when he was sworn in as a member.  The custom is to kneel on a stool before kissing the Queen’s hand.  According to the Guardian Buckingham Palace does not force Privy Council members to do things they are not comfortable with.  Speaking to ITV News before the ceremony, Corbyn said, “I don’t expect to be kneeling at all, no.  I expect to be nominated to the Privy Council and that’s it.”

The Guardian quotes the Royal Encyclopedia on the protocol: “The new privy counselor or minister will extend his or her right hand, palm upwards, and, taking the Queen’s hand lightly, will kiss it with no more than a touch of the lips.” They are also to swear to defend the monarch against “all foreign princes, persons, prelates, states or potentates.”

The late Labour cabinet minister Tony Benn said in his diaries that he kissed his own thumb instead of the Queen’s hand.

Corbyn now has the privilege of being called “Right Honorable” as a title.  More important, membership in the council entitles Corbyn to access to security information and briefings.

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