Desperate Cameron to use the carnage in Paris to re-sell carnage in Syria

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Prime Minister David Cameron is a little boy in short trousers (see Hollande, Obama, etc.) who takes his orders from the Hidden Hand and among them is to secure British bombing of Syria to pull the UK into the vortex of catastrophe that is gathering by the day in Syria and the Middle East.

It’s all been long-planned and outlined in my books for decades. Those Members of Parliament who refused to support the bombing the last time short-trouser-boy tried, but now say they can be ‘persuaded’, should realise that they are being scammed by the horrors in Paris into taking Britain into a multi-country war from which they will not be able to escape.

Stop reacting to events – that’s what you are being manipulated to do – and start using your heads before another point-of-no-return is passed.

Read more: Desperate Cameron to use the carnage in Paris to re-sell carnage in Syria

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