Did a US Drone Down the Russian Metrojet?

This Russian airliner disaster is highly suspicious. They’re now saying an external impact brought this plane down. See the article here.

There’s no way that ISIS had the type of surface-to-air missile that could bring down this bird unless the United States or Saudi Arabia gave it to them. I wouldn’t rule it out, but I doubt it at this point. Some geniuses are saying it was a bomb placed on board. Hey guys, that’s not an “external impact”, that’s called an internal explosion. We know what that does because we’ve seen that before when a 747 was brought down over Scotland with one back in the day.

There hasn’t been found any wreckage that says it collided with another plane. Having lived in the Los Angeles area during two famous mid-air collisions between airliners and small private planes, I know that had this airliner struck a smaller plane, they would have discovered it. No, I think the U.S. accidently told us what hit this plane, or rather prophesied it, so to speak, a few weeks ago.I think the U.S. is sweating bullets (or sweating Sentinel drones) as it realizes one of its drones didn’t show up for supper. Notice that James Clapper, the U.S. director of national intelligence, has thrown in his two cents here, saying he wouldn’t rule out ISIS having downed the airliner. Excuse me, but why would The Clapper (Clap On! Clap Off! Clap on, clap off, intelligence blackouts!) need to get involved here? I think the U.S. wants to put it into peoples’ minds to suspect terrorism rather than an avoidable accident. You know, the people that fly these drones are not necessarily pilots. A lot can happen because this whole drone shtick is basically in its pre-teen years as far as its experience. But wouldn’t that create a huge backlash if it turned out it was a U.S. drone?

There would be calls to file flight plans for all government drones. Think what that would do to the U.S. “intelligence” agencies if they had to TELL Iran and Russia when drones would be flying over their areas? That would also effectively pull the plug on using drones for assassinations since they’d have to broadcast where these drones were. Because if it was a Sentinel that this Russian airliner ran into, it will prove beyond a doubt that American drones present a clear and present danger to civilian life. Well, beyond the people they’ve run around and killed with them on purpose anyway.

Yes, I think the U.S. just got caught with its drones down around its ankles here.

The post Did a US Drone Down the Russian Metrojet? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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