Dump Obama or Face Thermonuclear War of Extinction

British agent Barack Obama was behind the Turkish shoot-down of the Russian Su-24 over Syrian airspace on Tuesday, Nov. 24, and the Russian government has made clear that it is fully aware of the Obama complicity. In a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pointed out that, under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding on deconfliction that the U.S. and Russia recently signed, the U.S. took responsibility for the actions of all of the so-called Coalition partners. More to the point, Lavrov pointed out that the attack on the Russian plane was carried out by a U.S. manufactured F-16, and there are binding understandings that offensive operations using U.S. made planes must be pre-cleared.

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting down of the Russian jet, President Obama made a point of getting on the phone with Turkish President Erdogan, and assuring him that the U.S. fully supported his “sovereign” actions. In his disgusting press conference with visiting French President Hollande on Tuesday afternoon, Obama launched into a megalomaniacal attack on Putin and Russia, calling them “the outliers” and “offering” Russia one last chance to join the U.S. led “Coalition” doing the real fighting against ISIS.

Obama was doing what he does best—lying, pathologically, on behalf of his British masters. For the longest time, the British Crown strategy has been to provoke war between the United States and Russia, and to fuel a permanent population war within the Muslim world, between Sunni and Shia, using their Saudi junior partners as the chief provocateurs. Now, Turkey, under the corrupt Erdogan regime, has been brought into the mix, to stir up the conditions for world war. Obama has been the principle asset of this British war strategy ever since he came into office, and kicked off his first term by visiting Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles in London three months after his inauguration.

A growing number of analysts have joined Lyndon LaRouche in calling the shot on Obama’s complicity in the Turkish actions of Tuesday. John Helmer in Moscow, Justin Raimondo, Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Peace Institute, and Pepe Escobar have all come out in the last 24 hours, saying that Erdogan would have never launched the action against the Russian jet without prior approval from Obama.

In response to the Turkish attack, President Putin has announced a number of immediate military counter-measures, including the deployment of the most advanced S-400 air defense systems to the Russian air base in Latakia Province in Syria, the stationing of a surface-to-air missile ship off the Syrian coast, and the beefing up of intercept escorts for all future Russian bombing runs against ISIS targets in Syria. The Russian government made clear that they have evidence, including the heat trail from the Su-24, showing that it never entered Turkish airspace. An unnamed US official told Reuters and other news agencies that the Russian plane was shot down over Syrian airspace, after a very brief passage through Turkish airspace, that could not have lasted more than a few seconds. The attack was pre-planned, pre-meditated, and aimed at wrecking the post-Paris attacks climate, in which a potential for a settlement of the five-year Syrian war and a concentrated campaign to destroy ISIS and Nusra was in the making.

Putin will respond with a flanking attack, in line with his September deployment of Russian forces into Syria, that fundamentally altered the direction of the conflict.

If there was any doubt that this is a global British/Obama- led war drive against Russia, just look at Ukraine, where the Right Sector has been bombing power lines into Crimea, and where Victoria Nuland’s pet, Yatsenyuk, just announced he was barring Russian planes from any access to Ukrainian air space. That is tantamount to a threat to shoot down a Russian plane at any moment.

The biggest vulnerability of the British in this war drive is Barack Obama. He has committed crimes against humanity, and so many impeachable crimes that he only remains in office due to the cowardice and opportunism of most members of Congress and the American people, who tolerate his existence at the risk of their own survival.

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