Egypt Enraged by Britain’s Rude Claims That Terrorists Brought Down Russian Passenger Jet in Sinai

Egyptians are furious at the allegations expressed by British Prime Minister David Cameron (in the face of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi who is visiting Britain), that terrorists downed the Russian civilian airplane in the Sinai. This hits at many sensitive issues: (1) ISIS is almighty, and Egypt cannot secure the country. (2) A major hit at Egypt’s economy, which is still reliant on tourism. (3) Affects Egyptian-Russian relations. (4) Gives a boost to the terrorists Russia is fighting in Syria and the terrorists Egypt is fighting at home.

The strongest statement came from the Chairman of the Board of Al-Ahram publishing corporation and think tank, Said Ahmad El-Naggar. He is an outspoken anti-Wahhabi, is pro-Syrian unity and sovereignty, supports Russia’s intervention in Syria, and is a promoter of the extension of the Silk Road to Egypt, the Middle East, and Africa. He has recently created such a crisis with Saudi Arabia—by accusing it of supporting takfiri terrorism— that the Saudi Ambassador was called home. He had a near fist fight with the Saudi Ambassador in Algeria, who threw a glass of water in his opponent’s face during a political debate.

El-Naggar wrote the following on his Facebook page today (EIR translation):

“What Britain is doing can be considered the cheapest and lowest form of political rudeness, which it has saved to utter to coincide with the visit of the President of Egypt. Egyptians have tried to forget the history of Britain’s thievery and murder when it occupied Egypt and looted, killed, and tortured the Egyptian people for 72 years.

“Egyptians have tried to forget in order to build ties based on mutual benefit. But Britain insists on reminding us that it is an enemy of Egypt through launching a severe insult against Egypt and the tourism sector, and against the millions of workers and services related to it.

“It did not even bother to present a single piece of evidence for its allegations; that sounds like a sabotage operation rather than an effort to find the truth, which experts from Egypt, Russia, and France are working hard to discover.

“The only case which could lead Britain to make such a statement with confidence—that there was a terrorist act behind the tragedy of the Russian plane crash in Sinai, without showing evidence backing the claim—is that Britain had prior knowledge of, and collaboration with the terrorists, since Britain is the safe haven for all kinds of terrorist groups. Britain does not deserve the continuation of the Presidential State visit.” 

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