Envoy blames European mass media for instigating strife between Russia and EU

European Union flags flutters outside the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels

‘To restart cooperation between Russia and the EU, European mass media must stop their Russophobe campaign, which causes “deep emotional waves” and divides people, Russian envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov has said.

“It will be difficult to bring back regular relations between Russia and the EU. First, we would have to develop a working method of coexistence in our neighborly relations. We should not allow this region to be turned into a sanitary cordon with a strip of no-man’s-land in the middle of the European continent,” RIA Novosti quoted the Russian diplomat as saying on Tuesday at the Berlin security forum.

Chizhov added: “Preventing the systematic erosion of Europe’s security architecture” was a priority task.’

Read more: Envoy blames European mass media for instigating strife between Russia and EU

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