Erdogan in 2012: Brief Airspace Violations Can’t Be Pretext for Attack

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‘Turkey has cited airspace violations as its justification for shooting down a Russian Su-24 bomber on Tuesday. But only three years ago, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan specifically stated that such actions should “never be a pretext for an attack.”

In response to the downing of a Russian bomber by Turkish fighter jets on Tuesday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan insisted that the military’s actions were justified.

“We did not want this situation to happen, but everybody has to respect Turkey’s right to defend its borders,” he told reporters, adding that the military’s actions were “fully in line with Turkey’s rules of engagement.”

Yet, three years ago, Erdogan had somewhat different thoughts on the matter.’

Read more: Erdogan in 2012: Brief Airspace Violations Can’t Be Pretext for Attack

The post Erdogan in 2012: Brief Airspace Violations Can’t Be Pretext for Attack appeared first on David Icke.

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