Europe’s Largest Department Store Removes Israeli Settlement Products


‘Following EU-mandated labeling guidelines for settlement products, Berlin-based Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) removed all Israeli settlement produced items from its shelves. Growing numbers of European companies refuse to import them.

Store spokeswoman Petra Fladenhofer said “(o)nly after fixing the labels, we’ll return the products to our shelves.” Labeling is far short of what’s needed.

Banning all settlement products produced on stolen Palestinian land is essential – a first step toward a total boycott of Israeli goods and services, as well as Security Council action mandating an arms embargo, prohibiting nations from selling Israel weapons, munitions and related products, anything potentially aiding its killing machine, raging daily against defenseless Palestinians.’

Read more: Europe’s Largest Department Store Removes Israeli Settlement Products

The post Europe’s Largest Department Store Removes Israeli Settlement Products appeared first on David Icke.

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