Francis Wants To Rewrite Scripture?

In Nairobi, the pope calls for “eliminating carbon use” on a continent where tens of millions of  poor families burn wood to heat their homes and cook their food.

(He somehow failed to note that Jesus cooked fish for his apostles over burning coals).

Meanwhile, U.S. bishops join their colleagues to demand a binding global agreement on global warming, while  the pope’s feckless Peronist sidekick insists that opponents of such an agreement are evil Tea Party members who make their living selling oil.Perhaps the laity might demand that their bishops preach not politics, but the truths of the faith, on which many of them have become strangely silent.

Consider: in recent years, Catholic bishops have received tens of billions of taxpayer dollars from the federal government for the bureaucracies that run their NGO’s. Catholic hospitals and colleges receive billions more.

And that door swings both ways, as Howard Baker used to say. In fact, years ago Obama got his first community organizer grant from the Catholic Church. And left-wing Catholic lobbies now brag that Obama has returned the favor, increasing the taxpayer funding of Catholic NGO’s.

So … was Jesus a polluter? Or should we follow the money?

Draw your own conclusions.

The post Francis Wants To Rewrite Scripture? appeared first on LewRockwell.

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