Genocide: Burma’s Rohingya sacrificed in global scramble for oil and gas


‘As Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy takes a strong lead in Burma’s elections, Nafeez Ahmed warns that the military will remain the real power in the land. And as UK, EU, US, Chinese and Gulf state energy corporations compete to exploit Burma’s hydrocarbons, don’t expect them to denounce the ongoing genocide of the Rohingya, and anyone else in the way of their oil and gas infrastructure.

It is no coincidence that the areas of the pipeline passing through Myanmar’s Shan and Rakhine states have involved frequent clashes between secessionists and government forces, including ethnically cleansing the Rohingya coastal communities.

Burma’s Muslim minority is a casualty of a geopolitical tug of war between the West and China to dominate Asia.’

Read more: Genocide: Burma’s Rohingya sacrificed in global scramble for oil and gas

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