German Town Of 100 Gets Enriched By 750 Migrants

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‘German government officials have compelled a small town with just 102 people to take in approximately 750 migrants from Syria and other countries, The New York Times wrote Saturday.

Sumte, a small town at the western fringe of the former East Germany, was informed earlier this month by its municipal government that it had been assigned to accept over a thousand of the asylum seekers that have poured into Germany over the course of 2015. The number was so high that mayor Christian Fabel first thought it was a joke, but after a storm of local protest, the figure was lowered to 750, not out of sympathy but because it was believed a thousand would overwhelm the town’s sewage system.’

Read more: German Town Of 100 Gets Enriched By 750 Migrants

The post German Town Of 100 Gets Enriched By 750 Migrants appeared first on David Icke.

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