Homicidal Madness on Friday the 13th

On Friday the 13th, Paris, the City of Light, was plunged into darkness and fear.

At least eight young jihadists, allegedly from the so-called  Islamic State group, attacked the national sports stadium, where President Francois Hollande was attending a soccer match with Germany’s foreign minister. They also attacked  outdoor cafes, a pizzeria and a rock club.

As of this writing, 127 civilians were killed and dozens wounded.  All of the attackers are believed to have died.  For the second time this year, Paris is terror-struck and shaken to its foundation.  Pope Francis aptly described the attacks as “homicidal madness.” 

France is playing a central role in its former colonies, Syria and Lebanon.  Paris appears to have long-range plans for expanding its influence in the Levant, including installing regimes attuned to French policies.

French warplanes are bombing Syria and this writer believes French special forces have been  in combat in Syria, as they were in Libya when the western powers combined to overthrow the Khadaffi government.

In short, France has made many enemies for itself across the Mideast.  It appears only a matter of time before France’s partners in Mideast intervention, the United States and Britain, become new targets of jihadist violence.

As the Bible says, “nothing new under the sun.”  What the 20-something jihadists of IS are doing is trying to replicate the terror caused by the fabled, 12th century AD Sheik al-Jebel.   Operating from his aerie of Alamut, high in Syria’s mountains, the sheik dispatched teams of hashish-crazed assassins with poisoned daggers to intimidate all of the Mideast’s rulers, Muslim and Crusaders alike.

The murderous Ismaili cult quickly came to be known as “hashishin,” or “assassins,” the origin of our term.  The assassins terrorized the entire Mideast, shaking down its rulers for great amounts of gold.  One never knew when or where they would strike.  Their first warnings were often pinned to the pillows of intended targets as happened to the famed Saladin.  The assassin teams would strike with poisoned daggers, then die under torture laughing and calling out to god.

Finally, the great Egyptian Mameluke sultan Baibars and the invading Mongols put paid to the assassins.  The survivors fled east and today peacefully live in Pakistan’s Hunza Valley under the Agha Khan.

The modern reincarnation of the assassins struck Paris on Friday night.  Alarmingly, one or more may have entered Europe as a Syrian refugee.  Rightists in Europe are already calling for internment camps for Muslims, though they had nothing whatsoever to do with IS’s teenage lunatics.  In fact, IS has put Muslims everywhere in peril as well as besmirching the name of Islam.  Europe may seize the Paris attacks as an excuse to bar any further refugees.

The post Homicidal Madness on Friday the 13th appeared first on LewRockwell.

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