How To Stop a Cold or Flu in Its Tracks

With Winter right about the corner, it is time to begin to focus upon building up an arsenal of remedies to get us through the cold and flu season.  Not surprisingly, these are not traditional over the counter meds but rather  a variety of herbal remedies that you can concoct yourself from inexpensive ingredients not the least of which are herbs that may be growing in your yard or in the surrounding locale.

For preppers, the importance of learning to use herbal remedies is that if the time ever came when traditional medicines were not available, sickness would spread and we would be left on our own to treat even the most common viral and bacterial infections.

What are these herbs and how do you use them?

Next, you will add raw, unfiltered, local honey to the liquid. Add to the level where the vinegar reached. Shake briskly for 5-10 minutes, or until fully combined. Let sit on a counter top overnight or 12 hours and then refrigerate. Will keep indefinitely, but it’s best to use up within one year. At the first sign of a cold or infection, take 1-2 tablespoons throughout the day, depending on how forcefully you feel the virus coming on. The more vigorously you dose yourself early on, the more likely you will overcome the illness before you are affected in a significant way.

HOW TO USE: As above.

HOW TO STORE: Can be stored for a year or more in the refrigerator. I simply make enough for one season, and it’s usually gone by the end of the winter months. I’m not sure if it can be canned or frozen, as I haven’t tried these methods.

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