Isn’t It Funny

Not all comedians are in comedy clubs or on Saturday Night Live. Many of them are ordinary, run-of-the-mill conservatives. And many of them live in my state of Florida.

What makes these comedians even funnier than most others is that it is not what they say that is so funny, it is what they don’t say—about marijuana.

In the election in 2014, there was on the Florida ballot for the first time a proposed constitutional amendment to legalize the medical use of marijuana. It needed at least 60 percent of the vote to pass, but fell short with only about 57.5 percent.

The Florida Supreme Court recently set a date of December 8 to hear oral arguments on a new proposed medical marijuana amendment. To appear on the ballot, the court must first certify that the amendment is not misleading and that it focuses on a single subject.

Isn’t it funny how few of these conservatives know that the U.S. government has made fantastical assertions about marijuana use causing insanity and criminality?

Isn’t it funny how few of these conservatives know that smoking marijuana cannot lead to a fatal overdose?

Isn’t it funny how few of these conservatives know that the Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal government to regulate, monitor, or restrict the consumption, therapeutic, medical, or recreational habits of Americans?

Isn’t it funny how few of these conservatives know that the Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal government to criminalize, prohibit, control, or regulate the planting, growing, harvesting, or selling of any plant?

Isn’t it funny how few of these conservatives know that the Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal government to ban any substance?

Isn’t it funny how few of these conservatives know that the Constitution nowhere authorizes the federal government to have an Office of National Drug Control Policy or a Drug Enforcement Administration?

Isn’t it funny how few of these conservatives can even spell marijuana?

It is beyond funny. It is tragic. People’s lives and livelihoods are at stake. In a free society any resident of Florida or any other state should be able to legally buy, sell, smoke, possess, distribute, transport, cultivate, process, give away, trade, barter, import, export, advertise, consume, or “traffic in” marijuana in any form and in any amount, not just for medical purposes, but for any purpose.

Isn’t it funny how Floridians and Americans think they live in a free society?

The post Isn’t It Funny appeared first on LewRockwell.

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