Israeli Knesset Bill to Deny BDS Activists Visas Passes

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‘The Israeli Knesset is one step closer to approving a bill prohibiting activists in the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) from entering the country. The move comes the same day as the European Parliament passed a measure requiring all products produced in the occupied territories to be labeled, which could help the BDS movement.

The bill, proposed by the right-wing Jewish Home party, says that, “Anyone who calls for a boycott of Israel is engagning in terrorism and must not be allowed to travel the country freely.” The BDS movement, which is a growing form of nonviolent protest against Israeli occupation, is described as “a new front of war against Israel.”’

Read more: Israeli Knesset Bill to Deny BDS Activists Visas Passes

The post Israeli Knesset Bill to Deny BDS Activists Visas Passes appeared first on David Icke.

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