Kerry Announces Plan for U.S. and Turkey to Close Jarablus Corridor – but Is This Just Another Dirty Trick by Erdogan?; To Be Sure of Destroying ISIS, U.S. Must Provide Air Support And Air Cover to Kurds West of the Euphrates; French Carrier Heads to Levant; Putin Instructs Russian Forces in Eastern Mediterranean to Cooperate with France as an Ally, but Ashton Carter’s Pentagon Churls Spurn Cooperation; Reactionaries of All Stripes Trying to Regroup Around Anti-Syrian Islamophobia

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thanks to pressure from numerous quarters, US policy is evolving toward the goal of closing the infamous Jarablus corridor, where the supply lines serving ISIS in northern Syria come across the border from Turkey. Kerry has finally identified […]

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