‘Kill on the spot’: Poll shows most Israelis support immediate execution for Palestinian attackers

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‘Over 50 percent of Israelis think that Palestinians suspected of carrying out terror activities “should be killed on the spot,” says a new think-tank poll. The hardening stance comes as 6 more Israelis were injured and 2 attackers killed over the weekend.

New shocking data has revealed that “a majority of Jewish Israelis (53%) … said they agreed with the statement that ‘any Palestinian who has perpetrated a terror attack against Jews should be killed on the spot,’” the survey, carried out by the Jerusalem-based Israel Democracy Institute, said.

The extrajudicial killings were supported even after the suspects have been arrested and “no longer pose a threat,” the self-described “non-partisan ‘think-and-do tank’ dedicated to strengthening the foundations of Israeli democracy” said on its website.’

Read more: ‘Kill on the spot’: Poll shows most Israelis support immediate execution for Palestinian attackers

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