Lie-Laced Victimology

The infantile behavior and entitlement mentality of rioting college students at the University of Missouri, Ithaca College, and Smith College, while something of a yawner in our age of lie-laced victimization protests, is part of a much broader problem.

The broader problem I’m referring to is the complete disintegration of Western civilization — i.e., the disappearance of the longstanding certitudes, values, and self-responsibility that made America the strongest and most civilized nation in world history. While anarchy, in theory, is the only path to pure freedom, the reality is that it does not work for people who have no interest in interfering in the lives of others and want only to be left alone.

The reason it doesn’t work for people of goodwill is because there will always be those who believe they have a right to force others to live by their moral standards. These people are, in effect, psychopathic in that they believe that aggression against others is justified by their noble aims.

  • Infanticide is okay, because we don’t judge.
  • Allowing criminals to live in the United States without documentation is okay, because we don’t judge.
  • Releasing five top terrorist leaders from custody in exchange for a military deserter is okay, because we don’t judge.
  • Allowing people to attain high office without thoroughly checking their backgrounds is okay, because we don’t judge.
  • Apologizing to those who threaten to kill us is okay, because we don’t judge.
  • Bringing thousands of undocumented people from the Middle East into the United States is okay, because we don’t judge.
  • And on … and on … and on it goes.
  • Worst of all, the minority now rules the majority, and they do so through loud, hateful, threatening rhetoric that is intended to intimidate those who stubbornly cling to Western values. For example, less than 4 percent of the population that identified itself as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender in a recent Gallup Daily tracking poll now has the power to close down a business if the owner refuses to violate his religious beliefs and cater to its wishes. But, of course, we dare not judge them.

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