Links between Glyphosate and a Multitude of Cancers that are ‘Reaching Epidemic Proportions’

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‘Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup. The use of glyphosate is widespread throughout Europe. However, on 20 March the World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said that glyphosate was “classified as probably carcinogenic to humans.” This is just one step below the risk designation of “known carcinogen.”

Glyphosate has been detected in human bodies, food, water and in the air. Its use has been strongly associated with various diseases (see this and this).

Following the WHO’s classification, the European Food and Safety Authority (EFSA) has been conducting an evaluation of glyphosate and will send its final conclusions to the European Commission (EC) for consideration within the next few days. The EC will then decide whether this herbicide should be included in the EU’s list of approved active substances.’

Read more: Links between Glyphosate and a Multitude of Cancers that are ‘Reaching Epidemic Proportions’

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