Look Good, Live Long

As you get older, life should be like a stroll, not a fight. Every year you should feel great and look good as you enjoy a high quality of life. Contrary to the myths of aging that senility, sexual dysfunction like erectile dysfunction, or looking old come as part of aging, it doesn’t take much to keep yourself healthy, fit, and looking good.

Take these four steps to look and feel young for years to come.

1. Eat Healthy

Your first step starts with eating healthy. Your nutritional needs change as you get older. And you don’t digest some foods as well as you once did. So you need to make sure you get plenty of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K – especially vitamin K2 to keep your bones strong.

Make sure you get plenty of organic protein for your muscles, brain, and skin. And plenty of raw, organic fruits and vegetables for the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

The post Look Good, Live Long appeared first on LewRockwell.

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