Media Watch Dog 216: Richard Downing and ‘understanding’ pederasty

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‘Right now there is a controversy in Britain about the Paedophile Information Exchange which existed in the 1970s and 1980s.

It so happens that the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was affiliated with the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL). And it so happens that leading figures in the NCCL at the time included Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt – both of whom became leading members of the recent Labour government – along with former Labour Party treasurer Jack Dromey. Ms Harman is currently deputy leader of the Labour Party and Mr Dromey is currently Labour’s shadow minister for policing.

This issue has received widescale publicity in the British media. It has been covered by Rod Liddle in The Sunday Times and Toby Young in The Spectator and The Daily Telegraph – as well as in The Sun, the Daily Mail and on the BBC Newsnight program – where, in an embarrassing performance, Ms Harman told interviewer Laura Keunssberg that a “politically motivated smear campaign” has been launched against her.’

Read more: Media Watch Dog 216: Richard Downing and ‘understanding’ pederasty

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