‘No choice’: Ex-prisoners paying exorbitant debit card fees almost no one else pays


‘The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is under pressure to protect a kind of debit card consumer it currently ignores: just-released prisoners. A debit card program that they have “no choice” but to use is charging them exorbitant fees.

Eighteen senators, led by Senator Cory Booker (D-New Jersey) wrote a letter to the CFRB demanding protections for ex-prisoners who are given a debit card upon release with their prison wages or family gifts on them. Checks or cash are out of the question, forcing the formerly jailed to deal with for-profit companies that they had never agreed to do business with.

“The letter by the 18 senators was actually preceded by comments we submitted to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau along with 68 other organizations that are concerned about these issues, and that was back in March,” Alex Friedmann, managing editor of Prison Legal News, told RT.’

Read more: ‘No choice’: Ex-prisoners paying exorbitant debit card fees almost no one else pays

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