No Peace Until the British Monarchy Is Overthrown; British Puppet Obama Is an Asshole

Where Russian President Putin had launched a flank which could lead to the complete destruction of the ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists’ base in Syria and Iraq, the British have now intervened aggressively against that flank, which the whole planet desperately needs.

British Prime Minister Cameron’s current frenetic deployment aims to enforce the opposed war policy, the disastrous war policy of Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Barack Obama — British agents and puppets. Cameron insists: No, don’t destroy the base of the terrorists murdering in the Mideast and Europe. Assad must be overthrown as President of Syria first.

And British puppet Obama has repeated, throughout the past week: No cooperation against ISIS, the precondition is that Russia must agree that Assad has to be thrown out first.

The British monarchy and financial empire insist: Don’t go after ISIS’ funders and arms suppliers in Saudi Arabia; don’t go after its facilitator in the Turkish government. Above all, don’t challenge the British-Saudi policy of regime-change wars carried out by Bush and Obama, which has knowingly created and spread ISIS and driven hundreds of thousands of desperate refugees into Europe.

To France and other nations, the British order: Don’t enter a partnership with Russia and call the United States to join it to destroy ISIS; but demand that Assad must go first. Don’t seize the chance offered by Putin’s recent openly global role, backed by China’s offer to extend the New Silk Road development into the Mideast.

At the same time the British royals are preparing to head up the Paris COP21 “global warming” conference and direct it to their obsession — reducing the human population. Prince Charles, chosen to keynote that conference, claimed in an interview Nov. 21 that climate change is the cause of the genocidal wars in the Mideast and North Africa — not Tony Blair, not George W. Bush and Barack Obama, but climate change caused those wars.

And British puppet Obama repeated, in a speech Nov. 21, that “climate change is the number-one national security threat to the United States.”

Is he insane? No, he’s a puppet of the British monarchy and the British financial empire, and of Wall Street.

Lyndon LaRouche has insisted on this. Obama is a British puppet and a president of perpetual wars and drone murders. He has to be removed from office. Then, to recover, “everything we have to do in the United States has to go to the principles that President Franklin Roosevelt represented against Wall Street. There will be no peace until the British monarchy is overthrown,” LaRouche said on Nov. 22.

Pay attention to LaRouche’s insistence on this, it means the future of mankind.

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