‘Nothing To Hide, Nothing To Fear’ – Orwellian Agents Propose New Police State Measures for UK

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‘In recent years, Britain seems to have positioned itself as a world leader in police state and mass surveillance technology. But at what cost to its residents’ freedom?

The control agenda is now a naked reality. It’s hitting us from so many different angles, and yet, aside from some topical reporting by UK publications like The Guardian and The Independent, the mainstream conversation on this important issue continues to be woefully inadequate (especially by the BBC) in both characterizing the true extent of present situation, the scope of the agenda, and offering a remedy to it…

Alternative news outlet UK Column has led the way in this conversation so far, and this week they posed this important question for viewers:

“The relationship between the individual and the state is being changed. Theresa May’s new investigatory powers bill is one aspect of that. It’s alright, though, because if we have nothing to hide, we have nothing to fear. But how does that apply to government?”’


The post ‘Nothing To Hide, Nothing To Fear’ – Orwellian Agents Propose New Police State Measures for UK appeared first on David Icke.

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