Obama Is Going Down

In Europe, in the Mideast, and in Asia, the truth of Obama’s murderous intentions and policies can no longer be hidden. Obama floundered in Vienna, seething inside as Putin was clearly guiding the process. He moved on to Manila for the APEC meeting, perhaps confident that his effort to restore the Philippines to neo-colonial status, occupying the nation once again with US military forces in preparation for a war on China, would restore his narcissistic grandeur. He was instead greeted by a revolt by Philippine patriots, as their Senate rejected his military occupation plans, while APEC refused to even bring up his obscene accusations of Chinese aggression for building up some islands under their control.

Perhaps Obama imagines he will do better in Malaysia this weekend at the ASEAN Summit and the East Asian Summit. But the ASEAN Defense Ministers earlier this month already rejected his effort to call China an aggressor — in fact, the ASEAN Transport Ministers declared their enthusiastic commitment to working with China on the “One Belt One Road” New Silk Road programs.

Both French and Italian media ran interviews with Syria’s President Assad this week — an “in your face” to Obama clinging to his imperial right to remove a sovereign head of state. Assad named the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar as the creators and funders of ISIS, noting that the Russian intervention has turned the tide against the barbarians. Increasingly, European and American military and political leaders are turning against Obama’s regime-change madness and demanding a united effort with Russia against ISIS.

In the US, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, to explain what he means by describing himself as a democratic socialist, evoked the policies of Franklin Roosevelt, who addressed the destruction of the population in his day by creating social programs to grant their economic rights — to employment, health care, social security, education — while taking on Wall Street’s power through Glass-Steagall and other restraints on the power of the banks over the economy and the government. Sanders then described the destruction of living standards in the US today, the horrendous drug epidemic, the collapse of household income and employment, and denounced the “regime change” policies of the recent administrations, creating chaos and terrorism in their wake.

In the US Congress, a legal document is being circulated to members of Congress by EIR which demonstrates that the Supreme Court ruling which found in favor of then-Senator Mike Gravel for reading the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record in 1971, applies equally today to any Congressman with the courage to read the 28 pages of the Congressional Report on 9/11 into the record, exposing the Saudi funding of the 9/11 terrorists who attacked the US.  In fact, at any moment, under the Supreme Court ruling in the Gravel case, Congress, without consultation with the White House, can declassify the entire 28-page chapter—along with all of the other 9/11 investigative files that have been kept secret for the past 13 years.

Obama’s open alliance with terrorists, and their sponsors in Riyadh, in order to achieve his criminal regime-change, can and must be exposed, and must lead to his removal from office, now.

This is a time of revolutionary change. There is no place for pragmatism or half-measures when faced with thermonuclear war and economic collapse. The solution is clear — in restoring Glass-Steagall, joining with China and the BRICS nations in global development programs, restoring real science to the center of policy making, reviving Classical music and the arts. The time is now. The restoration of Glass-Steagall, wiping out Wall Street altogether, must be accompanied by the kinds of Federal credit-generating programs that can create millions of productive jobs and start the process of reviving a genuinely productive economy.

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