Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

Mossad (2)

‘Hosein Mortada has provided details about one of the individuals who carried out the Paris attack on Saturday November 13th with the rest of his crew of jihadists. His name is Abo Talha Al Jazaeri (Aljazaeri means ‘Algerian’).

Abo Talha, a French national, has been trained in the Occupied Golan Heights, along with his crew who carried out Paris attack operation.

All of the terrorists involved with the Paris attacks were European nationals, previously fighting in Syria alongside Al Nusra Front and then moved to Al Raqqa to join the so-called ISIS, Islamic State in Syria and the Levant.

Finally they moved to Quneitra, Daraa, and their last station was in the Zionist entity, Israel, at a site called Bait Zorah where they have been trained by Israeli Mossad.’

Read more: Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report

The post Paris Attackers Fought In Syria, Trained In Israel: Report appeared first on David Icke.

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