Possibly the Least Believable Story All Week: Pentagon Claims ‘Flawless’ Air Strike ‘Evaporated’ Jihadi John


‘Today it’s all over the news that supposedly the ISIS chief executioner Jihadi John was killed by a “flawless” U.S. air strike targeting him.

Yes, “flawless” is the word that was widely publicized. In fact, ABC News is reporting ISIS’s star Mossad agent er, decapitator “evaporated” (yes, evaporated) when an air strike targeted his vehicle according to an unnamed U.S. official (always unnamed, but he’s “official,” so we should definitely believe every word he says).

Good thing there’s no body to actually prove anything, huh? You know, what with him being all evaporated and such. What a great time to trot out randomly find and kill off a heavily publicized boogeyman flawlessly, not unlike that one time Obama claimed he killed Osama bin Laden after holding off the raid at least two other times like it didn’t even matter when America finally took out the man it claims was responsible for 9/11 (probably because Osama died years ago)’

Read more: Possibly the Least Believable Story All Week: Pentagon Claims ‘Flawless’ Air Strike ‘Evaporated’ Jihadi John

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