Predatory Government

On a heretofore misplaced piece of paper that was quickly forgotten until a “Hmmm! Look what I found!” moment, some recent noteworthy news is that the federal government took in $3.2 trillion in taxes on 2015, but spent $3.6 trillion, for a paper deficit-spending balance of $400 billion.

Wiping away the coffee stains and (sniff, sniff) what seems to be faint remnants of a chili dog, it appears, as calculated by someone who is more deft with a calculator than I, that this tax haul is more than $21,000 for every one of the country’s 148 million workers who either works full time or part time, which I think is a VERY generous estimate of how many workers there are.

148 million workers? Almost half the population is employed? Surely you jest, sir!

As Leslie Neilson would have replied, ala the movie Airplane!, “No, I am not jesting, and stop calling me Shirley!”

But make no mistake: From here on out, the Federal Reserve and the federal government are going to commit every economic sin imaginable in a suicidal frenzy to make sure that this whole ugly, bloated, malignant economic system of an expanding money supply and accompanying debt, an expanding size and reach of government, and an expanding population of people suckling at the aforementioned fat teat of government continues as long as possible.

Now look what you’ve done!  I can’t stop thinking about fat teats, either!

And such a distraction is such a shame, since my next topic was about the importance of owing precious metals, yet cautiously weighed against the ability of a desperate government to spend borrowed money, and willing banking co-conspirators to keep creating money, to keep the bond, equity and housing markets afloat and, hopefully, rising, for a long, long time.

So, one certainly needs one’s wits about oneself to play such a game of brinkmanship!

Alas, being a particularly gutless guy who knows with absolute certainty that this idiotic Keynesian economic experiment will end in complete disaster, and one who sees a Gigantic Screaming Bargain (GSB) in the market prices of gold and silver thanks to the despicable market manipulations, I’m reminded of the old adage “The race is not always won by the swiftest, nor the battle always won by the strongest, but that’s the way to bet.”

And, since the odds are in your favor, in a long series of bets, you will win! You will always win over the long run! Just like the “house” in Las Vegas!

Put it all together, and “Whee! This investing stuff is easy!”

The post Predatory Government appeared first on LewRockwell.

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