Prime Suspect in Paris Terror Assault Is ISIS, Jointly Controlled by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Moslem Brotherhood, and NATO Intelligence Factions; Islamic State Reeling under Defeats at Sinjar, Aleppo-Palmyra, Kweyris Air Base, Ramadi, And Raqqa, Plus Loss of Jihadi John; Cui Bono of Attacks is ISIS Need for Victories and Glory to Recruit Foreign Patsies; ISIS Role as Frankenstein’s Monster Tracks Trajectory of Hitler; Paris Attacks Crude and Primitive, Not Sophisticated; French Diplomatic Offensive Converges with Russian Quest for Anti-ISIS Bloc; US Must Join in Closing Jarablus to Aleppo Corridor; The Week the Islamophobic GOP Went Fascist: Trump Wants to Close Mosques, Enact Discriminatory Laws, Compel Registration; Carson, Cruz, Christie, Paul Harass Helpless Refugees; Rubio Courts World War III vs Russia – Never Again a GOP President!

United Front Against Austerity | Tax Wall Street Party Morning Briefing | Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Tax Wall Street Party condemns the cowardly and despicable irregular warfare action which occurred in Paris, France on November 13, 2015 and the following days, and extends its sympathy and condolences to the families of the […]

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