Putin Has It Right: Obama is Pushing Thermonuclear Armageddon

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the opening of a conference of defense ministry and military industrial leaders in Sochi on Tuesday, and warned, in pointed language, that President Barack Obama’s policies are driving the world towards thermonuclear extinction in the very near term. In effect, Putin offered the most air-tight argument for why the President of the United States must be removed from office now.

Putin made clear that the US has been lying about the reasons for building a global missile defense system, since Iran has now signed the P5+1 deal, renouncing nuclear weapons. The goal of the US and allied global ABM was always to alter the global military balance in favor of a US first-strike thermonuclear strike against Russia. Russia, for its part, is not having anything of it; building new weapons systems, some of which are already in the field, to offset any ABM advantage that the US might obtain.

This is the same Barack Obama whose signature foreign policy “success” has been the drone mass-kill program, under which an unknown number of innocent civilians have been killed, only to be posthumously classified as “enemies killed in action,” or, more simply, as “collateral damage.” In discussion with colleagues from his Policy Committee on Wednesday, Lyndon LaRouche drew a clear line in the sand between genuine human beings and monsters, like Obama, who have no capacity for agape, and thus lack the human emotional qualities that distinguish man from beast. LaRouche noted that California Governor Jerry Brown has the same character as Obama, completely removed from any concept of agape.

Even if thermonuclear Armageddon can be avoided in the near-term, Obama’s seven years in office, following eight years of Bush-Cheney, have seen a total disintegration of the conditions of life for the vast majority of Americans. The latest atrocity is the massive jump in cocaine production in Colombia, which will soon, inevitably, take the form of a flood of cheap cocaine entering the United States. This is on top of the already epidemic jump in heroin addiction and addiction to pharmaceutical pain-killers. The American people are being targeted in a new and vicious British Opium War. The case of Colombia is exemplary; where President Santos, a Tony Blair protege and Obama ally, has openly promoted drug legalization, has shut down the coca eradication programs, and is now in the final phase of negotiating a narco-peace with the notorious narco-terrorist FARC.

The President of the Boston Federal Reserve Bank has also come out this week with dire warnings of a blow-out of the commercial real estate bubble, noting that the situation today is more grave than in September 2007, when the housing and commercial real estate bubble first blew; leading to the September 2008 meltdown and the QE bail-out that followed.

The real conditions of life for the vast majority of Americans — thermonuclear war dangers aside — have been destroyed over the past 15 years of Bush and Obama. Europe is in even worse shape, with leading nations, like Germany and France in hopeless collapse, and Britain already in a total economic breakdown. While the trans-Atlantic region goes from bad to worse, and leading British circles plot war as the way out of their dilemma, the situation in Asia and Eurasia is qualitatively different, with China, Russia and India leading the effort to chart a new path for genuine global cooperation and scientific revolution to benefit all of mankind.

The opportunity to launch such a “new paradigm for mankind” is at hand, and the vital first step is the oust Obama and shut down Wall Street, to begin the process of recovery and healing in the United States.

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