Remove the Factor Leading to Nuclear War — Obama

The necessity to remove Barack Obama from Presidential authority, in order to prevent an otherwise oncoming nuclear confrontation of the United States with Russia and China, was made dramatically clear by events and warnings today.

Following Obama’s (and NATO’s) aggressive public support for Turkey’s provocative act of war against Russia, his meeting today with Putin at the Paris Conference was an escalation. According to both the White House and Kremlin reports of the meeting, Obama reiterated his insistence that Syrian President Assad “must go” as precondition for any cooperation against terrorist gangs in Syria; that Russia must join the “U.S. led coalition” and must stop bombing in the areas of strength of al-Nusra and other jihadi groups being armed by Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United States and Britain. Obama disregards the views and reports of military and military intelligence, to continue escalating the confrontation with Vladimir Putin.

A Russian strategic analyst writing in Sputnik News today warned that the Turkish provocation, backed by NATO and by Obama, is pushing the world toward a confrontation like that of the 1962 Cuba Missiles Crisis — this time not with a JFK to resolve the situation, but with his opposite, the arrogant drone killer Obama.

And a senior Chinese expert on Eurasian affairs, based in Hong Kong, gave an even more dramatic warning: If Obama continues to conduct provocations in the South China Sea, China may well respond “asymmetrically,” with nuclear war.

EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche, insisting there is no way out but Obama’s rapid removal from office, said today,

“Putin was right in estimating his position vis a vis Obama. There will be no change of course or backing down by Putin; and he understands fully, that no cooperation is possible with Obama. Putin is not experimenting. He is determined, and looking at the confrontation from a global standpoint. It is Obama’s White House, which is making serious blunders, but everything it is doing, is with full intention.”

This was LaRouche’s emphatic point about Chinese Professor Zhang’s warning of a U.S.-China nuclear war triggered by Obama’s provocations. This analysis of the situation is “absolutely right,” LaRouche noted, but for one thing — the nuclear confrontation is not “unintentional” or an “error” on Obama’s part.

“Obama DOES know what he is doing,” LaRouche said. “He is a killer, and British-controlled.”

Obama is threatening nuclear war, arrogantly believing in a Russian or Chinese “backdown” which does not exist.

“But he can lose his grip on the situation, if challenged by people and forces moving to get him out of office.” That is the mission — if we can do it in time.

I’m ready to help.

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