Senate Passes a Bill to Legalize Asteroid Mining, Amended It to Ban Alien Enslavement


‘Another day, another very important bill being passed by the Senate. This one almost makes sense, but then it doesn’t… considering no nation on Earth can claim sovereign ownership of a celestial body in space, that is.

On Tuesday, the Senate passed the Space Act of 2015 which is being hailed as a way to encourage the private space industry. Part of the bill legalized space mining, allowing companies the property rights to any resources that they might extract from asteroids out there. The Daily Caller noted that a bunch of think tanks concluded the lack of this bill was a major hurdle to space-based industry development. “This bill will keep America at the forefront of aerospace technology, create jobs, reduce red tape, promote safety, and inspire the next generation of explorers,” Chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee, Congressman Lamar Smith, said in a press release.’

Read more: Senate Passes a Bill to Legalize Asteroid Mining, Amended It to Ban Alien Enslavement

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